Christ is Risen
The Resurrection of Christ is the foundation of the crown of our Orthodox Christian Faith. The Resurrection of Christ is the first, most...

Mis-calculated. Or Get it Right.
I was reading a story about an old beggar who once begged at a train station in Egypt, who used to go around the station begging as...

“Jonah” A call for repentance.
“For Jonah was a servant, but I am the Master; and he came forth from the great fish, but I rose from death. He proclaimed destruction,...

Our purpose is holiness & our means to that purpose is sanctification.
The mission of the Church is not merely to make "good" people, but the purpose of the Church is to make people holy and God-bearing. The...

The Apostles Fast
The Apostles’ Fast begins on the Monday after Pentecost and lasts until the Feast of the Apostles on the 5th of Epep, 12th July. It...

The Feast of Pentecost
The Orthodox Church justly can claim to be the original “Pentecostal” Church. She is the Church of the Holy Apostles, upon whom the Holy...

Holy (Pascha) Week
Pascha (pronounced ‘ba-skh-ah’) is a Coptic word that means pass over. Paschal Week is the celebration of pass over in the Church of the...

Feast of the Theophany.
Epiphany (Koine Greek: Ἐπιφάνεια, Epiphaneia, "Manifestation", "striking appearance") or Theophany[2] (Ancient Greek: (ἡ) Θεοφάνεια,...

How long, O Lord
Last night having returned from the prayer vigil for the Martyrs of El-Botrosia Church, I was confronted with two images, starkly...

The dead man meets the Life and the Resurrection - Luke 7:11-17.
"The dead man was being buried, and many friends were conducting him to his tomb. Christ, the life and resurrection, meets him there. He...