Wilful Blindness - Matthew 12:22-28
In the Third week of the month of Paope the church reminds us of the healing of the blind, mute, demon-possessed man. When Jesus left the...

Fishers of men - Luke 5:1-11
In this Gospel of the second week of Paope, the church reminds us of our Lord calling His first apostles to their work that will change...

The Healing of the Paralytic – Mark 2:1-12
On this first Sunday of the second month of the Coptic year, the church reminds us that our salvation is not mere ideas about God, but is...

Christ is our love who forgives sins - Luke 7:36-50
In Luke's account Jesus eating with the Pharisee and forgives a sinful woman, we meet that woman who had not yet entered into communion...

Christ's Power to Change - Zaccheaus Luke 19:1-10
THE SINFULNESS OF ZACCHAEUS. St Cyril of Alexandria describes Zacchaeus who was leader of the tax collectors, as a "man entirely...

Sunday of the blind man
Excerpt from St. John Chrysostom's homily: "On zeal and piety, and on the man born blind" (amateur translation) The word of God is a...